Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Situation Analysis

As I continue to press forward in the search for a full-time position, it is both liberating and frustrating.  Liberating in the sense that the world is my oyster and I have the ability to really evaluate each opportunity from an objective point of view so that my final decision is in my best interest.  Frustrating in the sense that there are so many options, and sorting through what sounds interesting and what will actually be a productive career move becomes a challenge.  Last week, I became very excited about a potential position in Chicago and got to the point of convincing myself that moving out of NYC was indeed the solution.  When I was informed that this position would not be offered to me it was upsetting, but on the right side of the bed it became a great source of insight in my journey.  Not landing this position reminded me that my evaluation process as well as my method of pursuit must be fine-tuned so that expectations are indeed in line with the reality of each situation.  Upon my return to NYC, I remain excited about the prospects here as well as those currently outside of the city.  No matter how this process progresses, my mind remains open to the idea of moving as well as finding the appropriate fit in this metro area.  I also have to admit that it is rather nice free-lancing when the weather is this beautiful...

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