Monday, December 27, 2010

On the walk to work today...

Snowpocalypse 2010! Crossing my fingers I get to Ottawa tonight!

Maybe someone's trying to teach me something about going to Canada in December...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Feelin' good, Feelin' GREAT...How're you! #reverb10

It's often, especially once the cold weather starts to settle in, that we retreat to our cozy caves, stick to status quo and neglect nudging ourselves a little extra to enjoy life.

One moment this year which officially struck a chord and prompted a more concerted effort was this past January when I arrived in sunny San Diego to visit some friends. It was literally upon exiting the airport and feeling the warmth of the rays through the cotton long sleeved shirt that I felt extremely energized and thrilled to take on whatever came my way.

Last winter was a bit of a challenge working from a home office on multiple projects, but not particularly routine in any one of them. Although the learning experience both personal and professional was wonderful and served as a stepping stone to where i find myself today, going to San Diego was a much needed excuse to refocus.

Not only did the warmth from the sun re-energize my body and soul, but in catching up with dear friends and momentarily quenching my thirst for travel and exploring the unknown, I returned to the concrete jungle eager to take on the next adventure. I was reset toward enhancing my quality of life.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Tree Falls in BK

Last night when we felt like we were in a carwash at work, little did I realize how greatly effected my neighborhood would be by the tornado touching down in Queens!

Fallen trees lined the streets of 5th avenue in Park Slope, and the resilient residents carried on dining on the sidewalk once the rains had ceased.

G'mar Chatimah Tova.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Page

Fresh starts are extremely exhilarating! 

Enter the new situation with an open mind and a willingness to grow from experiences and those around us. The heightened positive energy is contagious.  It is so interesting to see how the decisions we make play out and introduce new ways of thinking, challenges to tackle and further decisions to address.  When evaluating risks, we can only do our best to follow our instincts.  It all begins with opening our eyes and ears to all possibilities, then asking questions. How unfortunate that many walk through life with blinders on rather than understanding that being out of one's comfort zone is where the most exciting things happen?!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vitamin D

Now that spring has sprung, we have the incredible opportunity of holistically improving our moods with exposure to the sun.  It is amazing how much of a difference even five minutes during lunch of basking in nature's glory can offset a funky attitude.  Yes, I understand that this is a hopeful statement; I do truly believe though that thinking positively is an additional help to dodging feelings of anxiety and stress. Apparently, Vitamin D is extremely important for us folks who grew up in the New England area due to a deficit in well water. Go out there and enjoy it!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Keeping Your Ear on the Ground

It's all about listening.  In all aspects of life, it is critical to stop and take a minute to assess the situation prior to moving forward and ultimately making a decision.  It is very easy to get caught in the moment and act impulsively; however, whether in business or personal interactions the greatest outcomes will result from the simple act of hearing what is being said and taking cues from the conversation.  It is also easier to remain true to yourself and the direction in which you are aspiring to move when taking the time to pay attention to what is going on around you.  There is no need to be a chameleon, but to highlight certain aspects of your personality and skills set which are more likely to be impactful in varying situations.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Seize the Day! Even if it's below freezing.

It didn't matter what the temperature was like outside, or how ridiculous the sum of us felt running 10k through Brooklyn and Queens dressed as polar bears toting a shopping cart decorated as the North Pole.

This past Saturday was the Idioterod 2010, and our group was outstanding! Among us were teams of eagles, ski bunnies, crash test dummies and Nintendo characters. Altogether, we were given instructions from the starting point in Williamsburg to run to the next check point where we would perform tasks, answer trivia questions and overall have a great time. Once completed at each check point, we'd receive the location of the next check point and find our way there whether by road, bridge or tunnel. We finished up in Long Island City, Queens where awards were presented to those teams who really impressed the judges...we also were among the decorated!

It is events like this which remind me of how great it is to be active and enjoying weekend days, even if it is below freezing. Everyone involved was so enthusiastic and fun-loving that it made our journey through the boroughs fantastic.