Monday, December 27, 2010

On the walk to work today...

Snowpocalypse 2010! Crossing my fingers I get to Ottawa tonight!

Maybe someone's trying to teach me something about going to Canada in December...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Feelin' good, Feelin' GREAT...How're you! #reverb10

It's often, especially once the cold weather starts to settle in, that we retreat to our cozy caves, stick to status quo and neglect nudging ourselves a little extra to enjoy life.

One moment this year which officially struck a chord and prompted a more concerted effort was this past January when I arrived in sunny San Diego to visit some friends. It was literally upon exiting the airport and feeling the warmth of the rays through the cotton long sleeved shirt that I felt extremely energized and thrilled to take on whatever came my way.

Last winter was a bit of a challenge working from a home office on multiple projects, but not particularly routine in any one of them. Although the learning experience both personal and professional was wonderful and served as a stepping stone to where i find myself today, going to San Diego was a much needed excuse to refocus.

Not only did the warmth from the sun re-energize my body and soul, but in catching up with dear friends and momentarily quenching my thirst for travel and exploring the unknown, I returned to the concrete jungle eager to take on the next adventure. I was reset toward enhancing my quality of life.