Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Page

Fresh starts are extremely exhilarating! 

Enter the new situation with an open mind and a willingness to grow from experiences and those around us. The heightened positive energy is contagious.  It is so interesting to see how the decisions we make play out and introduce new ways of thinking, challenges to tackle and further decisions to address.  When evaluating risks, we can only do our best to follow our instincts.  It all begins with opening our eyes and ears to all possibilities, then asking questions. How unfortunate that many walk through life with blinders on rather than understanding that being out of one's comfort zone is where the most exciting things happen?!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vitamin D

Now that spring has sprung, we have the incredible opportunity of holistically improving our moods with exposure to the sun.  It is amazing how much of a difference even five minutes during lunch of basking in nature's glory can offset a funky attitude.  Yes, I understand that this is a hopeful statement; I do truly believe though that thinking positively is an additional help to dodging feelings of anxiety and stress. Apparently, Vitamin D is extremely important for us folks who grew up in the New England area due to a deficit in well water. Go out there and enjoy it!